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Hoorah! You’ve found it! Here we have a special section just for YOU, our amazing AQUILAnauts! You’ll find all manner of fun here, including an archive of Awesome Activities to plunder, a place to unite with fellow AQUILAnauts, as well as answers to those pesky puzzles that keep you up at night!
Take it from AQUILAnaut Esme, age 8 from Devon, “AQUILA is truly the best magazine ever, ever, ever! Yes, I know everyone says that. And that! And that! And that!” – this is a fun club to be part of!
Can you have too much of a good thing? We don't think so. Click here for more shenanigans from the AQUILA team!
Can't wait for your next issue to arrive? Never fear, our library of extra activities is here!
Have you enjoyed reading about the lives and times of your fellow AQUILAnauts?
We'd love to hear from you too! Write to us about your adventures, here! You never know, your letter may appear in the magazine!
Eager to find out if you cracked the code? Were your calculations bang-on? You're one click away from the solutions to AQUILA's perplexing puzzles!
Ready to get making? Here you'll find the templates required to take on our creative challenges!
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