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Hi AQUILA, I’m writing because the September issue is officially my 2-year AQUILAversary!! Yup, I’ve been receiving the best magazine ever since September 2021. When the month’s mag comes in the mail, I rip open the package and immediately flip to the Over to You. Shout out to: Esther, it’s so great that you’re all better from your cancer! Jai, you really have over 100 mags!? That’s AMAZING! Jessica, Maisie, Phoebe, Charlotte, and Bea, it’s fantastic you’re all so devoted to helping those pangolins! I love pangolins too! My hobbies are: Reading, playing chess, making lists on my typewriter (cool, right?), doing puzzles and crafts, etc. I am hoping to be a zoologist when I grow up. We ordered more AQUILA binders, as my 2 are completely full. As you can guess, I have a lot of back issues. I have a basset hound and I love dogs and cats. I play the piano too. Okay, bye!!
From Tiber, age 10. P.S. AQUILA is the best!